Vegetable Momos With Gravy


vegetable momos with gravy
vegetable momos with gravy
 Momos with gravy is an Indian version of momos which contains fresh vegetables and coated with chili sauce as gravy. You can skip the gravy part if you want your momos dry. Hope you like this recipe as you did like my previous recipe Chicken Pie.


  • One Cup – All-Purpose Flour
  • Two Tablespoons – Oil
  • Salt To Taste
  • Water As Needed
  • Half Cup – Cabbage(Finely Shredded)
  • One-Fourth Cup – Carrot(shredded)
  • Half – Onion(thinly sliced)
  • One-Fourth Cup – Green Beans(finely chopped)
  • Minced – Garlic, Ginger, and Green Chili To Taste
  • One Teaspoon – Soy Sauce
  • Half Teaspoon – Black Pepper Powder
  • Salt To Taste
  • One Tablespoon – Oil
  • Three-Fourth Cups – garlic
  • Eight To Ten – Dried Whole Red Chillies soaked in some vinegar
  • Half Cup – Oil
  • Salt To Taste


  1. In a bowl combine flour, salt, oil, and water enough to knead the flour.
  2. Make a soft dough and keep aside.
Take sauce ingredients in a blender and blend till you get a smooth paste.
  1. In a frying pan heat some oil, add ginger and garlic fry till they are brown in color.
  2. Then add onions and green chili and saute till onion are pink in color.
  3. Now add all the vegetables and salt.
  4. Cover and cook the vegetables till they are soft and dried up all the water.
  5. Add soy sauce and mix well.
  6. At the end add black pepper powder and let the mixture cool.
  7. To make momos, take dough similar size of tennis balls and make a round circle with rolling pin.
  8. Put one tablespoon of the filling mixture on the rolled dough.
  9. Apply water at the end and gather edges into center and seal of the edges. You can make momos of your style either you can make dumpling style or half moon style.
  10. It is totally your choice whether you want to fry or steam the momos.
  11. To fry momos fry them for one minute on a high flame or till they become golden brown in color.
  12. To steam momos, apply oil to the steamer basket and arrange momos in a layer and steam it for about 10-12 minutes.
  13. Momos can be served with chili sauce.
  14. If you want to prepare gravy, you can add one tablespoon cornstarch with one-fourth water in about three tablespoons of sauce. Coat all the momos with gravy and serve immediately.


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